Guide for Authors


  • Papers must be written in English; and if accepted for oral presentation, must be presented in English.

  • Papers should be prepared according to the ISPRS manuscripts guidelines. Unformatted submissions will be excluded from the scientific review process.

  • Selected full papers will be considered for publication in the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC).
  • All accepted papers (oral and poster) will be published in the ISPRS Archive, only if:
    1- You revise your paper based on reviewer's comments and submit the full paper before 15th Aug. 2021.
    2- You register for each paper before 15th Aug. 2021.
    3- You present your paper (oral or poster) at the conference.
    4- Your paper does not include any form of plagiarism and meets the publication's standards.

  • To submit the edited version of the manuscript:
    1- Click on the paper ID.
    2- Click on "Submit Changes".
    3- Upload the paper as "Oral/Poster presentation file".
    4- Click on the "Attach File" button.
    5- Click on the "Submit Changes" button.

B) Template for Full Paper :

(with authors names and affiliations)

Download here

PDF file




  • Papers should present original research results, which neither has been published nor is under consideration for publication in any conferences or journals. The conference enforces a strict non-plagiarism policy. All submissions will be checked against plagiarism using plagiarism tools, and violating submissions will be excluded from the scientific review process. Even later, if any form of plagiarism is detected in an accepted paper, it will be rejected and removed from the conference program and publication means.
  • For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for the conference prior to the author registration deadline (see Important Dates). The infringement of this rule will cost an accepted submission to be excluded from the conference program and publication means.


 Paper submission:
  • Papers should be submitted electronically through the conference web-tool.
  • We invite either the extended abstract or the full paper for the review process at first, but after the acceptance, the full paper must be submitted after complying the reviewers’ comments at final. Full papers presents the significant scientific results. Full papers should not exceed 8 pages (including title, figures and references) according to the ISPRS manuscripts guidelines. Full papers will be peer reviewed. If accepted, the author(s) is(are) invited to give an oral or poster presentation at the conference, and the full paper will be published in the ISPRS Archive (listed in the ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI) of the Web of Science, SCOPUS, and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)). Selected full papers will also be considered for publication in the International Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics Engineering.


Important notice: 

  • When submitting the paper, please specify the type of your submission (Extended Abstract or Full paper) in the "additional comments" section. However, the scientific committee has the permission to change the type of submission based on the paper content, paper length, and the number of submissions. Moreover, if the type of submission is not specified by the author(s), the scientific committee will decide on it.
  • Extended Abstract or Full Papers submitted for double-blind review must not contain any information which makes it possible to identify the authors. In particular, names and affiliations must be removed from the manuscript submitted for review.
  • After Full Paper acceptance, the author's names and affiliations must be added in the submitted final Full Paper.