Workshop: What will inspire us to switch from unhelpful metrics to enlightening metrics?
The ISPRS GeoSpatial Conference Program has been released and made available online.
! The Closing Ceremony will be held at 17:00 -18:00
List Of Poster Papers - Video Presentaions
Download Program of Workshops (PDF File)
*** Important Announcement *** This is to remind all the keynote speakers, workshop presenters, authors of the accepted papers, registrants and interested people and organizations in the ISPRS Geospatial Conference 2022 that due to the instability of the Internet, the conference organizing committee has decided to postpone the conference. The new date of the conference is February 19-22, 2023. 1- The accepted papers will be notified through the conference website. 2- The accepted papers are posted on the ISPRS website in November 2022. 3- The accepted papers will receive a confirmation of acceptance. 4- After the conference, confirmation of the presented papers will be issued. 5- The corresponding authors of the accepted papers must declare their consent to publish the articles on the ISPRS website based on the guidelines which will be provided by the conference. The final deadline for submission of documents for approval to publish the papers is one week after the announcement of acceptance of papers by the conference. 6- The authors of the papers whose similarity check has been returned for correction by the scientific committee of the conference are required to upload their revised papers, PowerPoint files and a 10-minute video on the conference website by Oct. 16, 2022. 7- No new papers will be accepted. 8- The authors of the papers who have not yet completed their full registration fees are required to pay the full registration and submit the payment receipts to the conference by Oct. 16, 2022 at the latest via conference email (, 9- The authors of the accepted posters are required to upload the revised papers, PowerPoint file and video for 5 minutes until Oct. 16, 2022. 10- Other news related to the conference will be informed through the conference website. |
*** GeoSpatial Conference 2022 is registered at ISC ***
We are pleased to announce that the GeoSpatial Conference 2022 has been registered at the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC). Selected full papers will also be considered for publication in the ISC. Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC) is a citation index established by the Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. |
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Phone: +98 (0)21 61114246
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This conference will be held on LAHZE_NEGAR platform.